PACIFIC VEIN takes us through a painterly panorama of the US West. Julian Assange stands between imperial, Roman fake buildings as a soda maker and ponders the digitisation of our world. Around him, hippies, artists and homeless people search for meaning while their messages are captured by surveillance cameras. Media and fictional scenes merge hypnotically with documentary footage. The empire is diligent (self-optimisation) and nervous (military). The American Dream glitched into a ghostly autosuggestion. Where is the enemy and who has the image rights?
Written, directed & produced by: Ulu Braun
Cinematography: Ulu Braun
Editing: Gernot Wieland
Original Score: Vali San
Sound: Jochen Jezussek
Visual Effects: Ulu Braun, Jordi Latorre
Cast: Niina Lehtonen Braun (Muddy), Lily Cummings (yacht and aeroplain mud person), Valentin Lorenz (player), Joachim Stargard (oil seller), David Ristau (smoker)
Studio Ulu Braun
Selected at VIENNA SHORTS – International Short Film Festival